Fellow Democrats April 4, 2016
Lying about Donald Trump instead of presenting a viable candidate for President will cause you to lose big this November. Why you all refuse to acknowledge the truth is bewildering.
This JFK Democrat has already pledged my vote to Donald Trump. It is my opinion that there is no way to get Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to comprehend the damage she is doing to the nation by aiding and abetting Hillary and Bill Clinton as they once again seek the cover of The People’s White House so they can continue to avoid prosecution for their many “high crimes and misdemeanors” in and out of public office. The following facts should completely disqualify Hillary from holding any public office:
Trump and the RNC will run hard-hitting ads that simply tell the truth and expose Hillary and Bill Clinton’s propensity to commit horrendous “high crimes and misdemeanors” as they betrayed the trust of the American people. This sounds odd coming from a registered Democrat, but those of us who can think for ourselves really are more independent/Libertarian than Republican or Democrat because since the end of the second Reagan term, both “parties” have made us choose between the lesser of two evils. At this most critical point in our 239 year history, the divide-and-conquer tactics of Democrat elites have become Socialist/Marxist in nature and therefore, for the good of our country, must be soundly defeated this November. Given the Clintons’ mutual abuse of women, if the unthinkable happens and Hillary is the Democrat nominee, she should not get a single vote from any informed female! The greatest fear we fifty-two million independent-minded voters have is two highly accomplished criminals like Hillary and Bill Clinton slither their way back under the cover of the White House, placing us all in harm’s way.
If Hillary Clinton becomes the Democrat nominee I will leave the party that has drifted light years from JFK and take as many of my fellow disgusted Dems with me, then we will cast our votes for Trump!
Having the People’s White House sit vacant is light years better than having the Clintons within 1000 miles of it.
Dan Meyer
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