One way liberals grab power over us is by making the obvious so overly complicated we question everything. Of course, liberals always have the answers to the irrelevant, time-wasting questions they raise in the first place, like where trans-genders can poop. Some libs go off on head-shrinking, cerebellum-wasting mental excursions into the absurd like some of my college classes that questioned whether anything we see and feel is real or just an illusion. That kind of intellectual masturbation is usually accompanied by questioning whether God is real or if He does exist, whether He is just toying with us in our make-believe lives that are just dream states of illusion.
This line of pseudo logic has at its “common core” the need for liberals (who contribute little or nothing to advance the quality of our lives) to assume the role of God in our daily lives, telling us what we should aspire to be, what we should do with our lives, what we should earn, and how much we get to keep. Give liberals enough power and they will tell us where we can live, where we can work, and whether or not we get to have children.
But just ask any Godless, disingenuous, power-seeking liberal who wants us to believe life is just an illusion to give you all of their money, and tell them their dollars are just illusion. See how fast they all get “religion”.
Ask liberals like Bernie Sanders why you shouldn’t get some of our overpaid media’s Big Money. Ask the Bern why he doesn’t believe in re-distributing some of Hollywood’s Big Bucks our way? Why is it that the Koch Brothers and energy producers involved with oil, natural gas, and coal are his targets for wealth re-distribution, but multi-million dollar-a-year talking heads get to keep their money and mansions in the suburbs? What is so wrong with Wall Street that Bernie wants to tax them into extinction so his Big Brother out-of-control government can have even more money to waste on things We the People don’t need and can’t afford? Finally, ask Bernie who promoted him from “career politician” to God Almighty?
Radio talk show host Dennis Prager has it exactly right when he says that people without any faith that God exists will attempt to find the meaning of their lives through secular endeavors, like the aforementioned concern that trans-genders are confused about which bathroom to use. Some worship at the throne of disingenuous “career politicians” who tell them that inert, harmless, life-sustaining carbon dioxide (carbon “emissions”) threaten our planet. Others tell us that the private business sector that pays for everything and made our nation great is evil, and that those entrepreneurs who have risked everything to build a successful business are to be hated, while the blood-sucking, nation-killing, out-of-control Big Brother Government establishment run by parasitic “career politicians” is good.
If that isn’t upside down, what is?
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