The reason that obsession with politics and career politicians is evidence of a nation in decline might be clarified through a definition of politics and politicians:
In chapter 8, I define a politician as:
A person employed by some level of government whose salary is paid with taxes, credit from China, or dollars printed out of thin air who dispenses a mix of partial truth and blatant lies told with the intent to deceive his or her constituents for the purpose of advancing otherwise unpopular agendas, the retention of power, or both.
So a “career politician” is someone who lies for a living—and the practice of politics is the practice of dispensing lies and deceit, using our tax dollars to do so. Sometimes “career politicians” break the law resulting in desperate measures to ensure their re-election not with the intent to serve We the People but to retain power necessary to escape accountability for past “high crimes and misdemeanors”. Since our constitution was written to keep We the People free and freedom cannot exist in the absence of truth, politics is by its very nature unconstitutional, and so a “career politician” is really just a professional liar and life-long assassin of constitutional government.
“Career politician” is in quotes because this is an animal that should never have existed. Public servants become “career politicians” when their main goal is to stay in the warm cocoon afforded them in federal, state, or local government. This is how our public servants become our pubic masters as our apathy and complacency enables an ever-poorer existence as slaves on the Big Government Plantation .Why do We the People tolerate “career politicians”, parasitically feeding off our hard earned tax dollars, getting rich at our expense as we all get “equally” poor, “equally” destitute, and “equally” enslaved?
Why is it that if We the People lie to the feds, we are charged with a felony, but if the feds or Congress or the current occupant of The People’s White House lies to us it is just another day at the office?
Wouldn’t you agree this is upside down?
I hope this clarifies why our subservient media covering politics and “career politicians” all day, every day is a very bad thing. Reading Upside Down will bring crystal clarity to our current national dilemma that threatens our very existence as a free and independent nation, under God.
Another reason for writing Upside Down is the fact that the internet, coupled with billions of cell phones, is causing our planet to shrink in terms of the light speed at which seven billion humans can now communicate with each other so we all have to find a way to peacefully coexist or together we will all perish. “Peacefully coexist” should never be interpreted as meaning seven billion human beings should surrender all of our God-given individual rights and liberties to an all-powerful, completely corrupt group of New World Order/One World Government elites.
Any form of Orwellian, totalitarian One World Government would necessarily have as its primary purpose the eradication of a free and independent United States of America along with all of our Constitutional, God-given rights to life, liberty, property, freedom of movement and self determination. Under the abomination that would be some nebulous New World Order/One World Government (NWO/OWG), our own individual pursuits of happiness would be limited to obediently serving an all-powerful, completely corrupt elite ruling class. It should be obvious that any form of NWO/OWG would necessitate the end of a free and independent United States, as our rights, freedoms, and liberties as defined by our Constitution would have to be surrendered to some iron-fisted dictatorship through a “global” totalitarian State run by an all-powerful group of “global” elites.
Those members of We the People who are so pre-occupied with Facebook, Twitter, and endless smart phone trivia that they are unable to separate fantasy from reality, coupled with those of us who are satisfied with a life of poverty dependent on whatever our government decides we should have either consciously or mindlessly chosen slavery over freedom.
The problem with choosing slavery over freedom is we the People also choose that horrific fate for our innocent children and grandchildren.
Reading Upside Down will bring clarity to why the preservation of a free, strong, independent United States is absolutely essential to stopping the freedom-crushing horrors of a “Global” Totalitarian State.
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