No, unfortunately, this avid Trump supporter believes Donald Trump did not win the first debate. Mr. Trump needs to score a knockout of Hillary and Bill Clinton because if this fight goes the distance, Trump/Pence will lose just like Romney lost in 2012, and the nation-killing efforts of the past eight years will accelerate exponentially! For reasons We the People do not comprehend, last night Donald Trump failed to confront the following list of demonstrable Hilldebeast incompetence, criminal activity, and what the facts should tell us beyond any doubt whatsoever was pure high treason. Here are a few lowlights of Hillary’s general abuse of women and her and Bill’s many high crimes and misdemeanors during her career as queen of our elite political ruling class. If We the People have any hope of avoiding the travesty that would be the Clintons’ third term as co-Presidents, these little issues need to be exposed on a grand scale.
So We the People of our formerly “United” States must be exposed to the truth about Hillary, Bill, and all Socialist/Marxist Democrats who don’t feel your pain—they caused your pain! Said exposure needs to become common knowledge prior to November 8.
With $19.5 trillion in nation-killing debt which continues to grow by billions every day, our current national financial burden proves Margaret Thatcher right—socialists always run out of other people’s money.
In addition to the above, someone needs to talk about Bill Clinton’s signing of the horrific “Financial Services Modernization Act” of 1999, and subsequent “Futures Commodities Modernization Act” of 2000 [v], [vi], [vii]. The first legislation reversed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 that prohibited the nation-killing derivative speculation that played a huge role in the Stock Market Crash of 1929. The second piece of legislation that Clinton signed into law made derivative trading exempt from SEC scrutiny! The frightening reality is yesterday Charles Payne, Fox Business, said that the failing Deutsche Bank has $60 trillion in derivative holdings and no one knows whether these risky, speculative bets are winners or losers!
“Globalists” like the Clinton’s want to be the elite king and queen of some oppressive, totalitarian, Orwellian, absolutely powerful, and completely corrupt One World Government. The problem is their Orwellian fantasy cannot be built in the presence of a strong, financially independent United States. Those whose goal is to humble, divide, and conquer our formerly “United” States in favor of their Orwellian New World Order understand that destroying our financial system and our dollar will usher in world-wide banking, founded on a new World Reserve Currency, enabling the New World Order/One World Government within which they seek the absolute power that will promote their continued absolute corruption!
The clear and present danger that an unimaginable third term of the two-person Clinton political machine presents hinges on the fact that Democrats need to lie their collective asses off because it is impossible for them to have real world solutions to the problems they create. All Republicans and Trump/Pence need to do is tell the simple but painful truth about the evils of nation-killing Socialist/Marxist Democrats in general, along with the specifics of the many high crimes and misdemeanors of untouchable career parasitic elitists like Hillary Rodham Clinton. Why is this so difficult? Is it due to the damnable “let’s make a deal” whereby elite Republicans don’t talk about “Chinagate” treason so elite Democrats don’t mention the troubling truth about the national tragedy that was and is 9/11/2001?
This tangled mess is the reason a record forty-three percent of all registered voters are now classified as independent or independent-minded. We the People are beginning to realize that choosing between an elite Republican politician (“conservative” professional liar) and an elite Democrat (“liberal” professional liar) is nothing more than choosing between the lesser of two evils. Donald Trump won the Republican nomination by being the non-politician/outsider the forty-three percent wants to support, but during the first debate seemed to be turning into the politician that We the People despise. Mr. Trump doesn’t need to scream and yell; Mr. Trump can calmly and professionally bury Bill and Hillary Clinton by simply telling the truth about these “globalist” frauds that are hell-bent on destroying our beloved nation in favor of promoting themselves to the untouchable heads of their pipedream—an elitist, all powerful, completely corrupt One World Government.
In light of historical fact and overwhelming evidence, growing numbers of We the People believe beyond any doubt whatsoever that Bill and Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted for their many high crimes and misdemeanors years ago, yet informed citizens are terrorized by the surreal reality that an untouchable elitist criminal and “globalist” traitor is the Democratic nominee for President of OUR formerly “United” States! The question remains, when will Trump/Pence talk about the Clintons’ “Chinagate” treason?
There is far too much at stake to play nice with the Clinton political machine when the future of our nation hangs in the balance. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as inept Republicans did in 2012 is not an option. I have contributed multiple times to the Trump campaign, but, as a businessman, Donald Trump should understand that We the People want and need to see that smug, phony, staged smile wiped off of Hillary’s face.
It always boils down to the fact that freedom cannot exist in the absence of truth. Sadly, until someone has the intestinal fortitude to tell the whole truth nothing will change, and the ability of our children and grandchildren to live in peace is in jeopardy. I hope during one of his media events Mr. Trump holds up my book Upside Down, and urges every voter in America to read it before November 8 because anyone who does will have to vote Trump/Pence!
Telling the truth about the Clintons’ motivation for a borderless, humbled, defeated United States isn’t mean; it’s just getting into the fight to win!
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