The following few paragraphs from chapter 2 of Upside Down offer insight into just a few of the reasons why the Clintons can never be allowed within 1000 miles of The People’s White House. (Image from HILLARY: ‘WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE’THE WHITE HOUSE DECEIVED AMERICA?, John Nolte, January 23, 2013,, Finally, as we approach the 2016 General Election, please remember what the facts tell millions of us were Hillary Clinton’s two acts of betrayal of our trust, which…..
No, unfortunately, this avid Trump supporter believes Donald Trump did not win the first debate. Mr. Trump needs to score a knockout of Hillary and Bill Clinton because if this fight goes the distance, Trump/Pence will lose just like Romney lost in 2012, and the nation-killing efforts of the past eight years will accelerate exponentially! For reasons We the People do not comprehend, last night Donald Trump failed to confront the following list of demonstrable Hilldebeast incompetence, criminal activity, and…..
Trump family and campaign, October 20, 2016 We the informed People appreciate your tireless efforts on our behalf. The “debates” are over and We hope and pray Hilldebeast demonstrated to the American People how effortlessly she lies and deceives because her brand of pathological insanity apparently allows her to actually believe what she says. The frightening reality is if Hillary isn’t mentally ill, then her ability to lie and deceive with such skill is reminiscent of another era when…..