Think about what could happen if Barack Obama decides to allow our FBI and “Justice” Department to file charges against Hillary Rodham Clinton between now and January 20, 2017.
Knowing our (with a handful of exceptions) weak-kneed Congress will do nothing, as de facto head of the “party” of Democrats, will Obama find a way to delete Hillary and insert a “friendly” like Joe Biden as the Democrat’s Presidential nominee? Barring that dictatorial move, if, God forbid, Hillary wins the election, will Obama still decide to indict her and find a way to indefinitely extend his occupation of The People’s White House, even if that means issuing one of his unlawful executive orders or by creating some “9/11”-inspired national disaster allowing him to impose martial law?
If the polls indicate a Trump victory is likely, or if Trump wins the election this November 8, will Obama take similar unlawful action to achieve the same end?
Why do We the People even have to contemplate this level of lawless governmental tyranny?
This post would never have had to be written if our ridiculous, highly paid, talking head Big Media reported truth instead of spewing propaganda 24/7/365! Since freedom cannot exist in the absence of truth, our rich, elitist media’s primary agenda has now devolved into aiding and abetting rogue elements within OUR government by keeping the lid on three very Big Lies so their credibility won’t be zero, which is precisely what is deserved.
Before reading the rest of this post, please watch the following YouTube video, and read the contents of Senator James Inhofe’s two speeches from the floor of OUR Senate dated March 15 and June 23, 1999 before they are mysteriously stricken from OUR Congressional Record.
North Tower Exploding by David Chandler can be found on YouTube at
James M. Inhofe Floor Statement, “China’s Theft of Nuclear Secrets”, March 15, 1999 (not Congressional record)
OR (Congressional Record accessed September 5, 2016)
Second Inhofe Senate Floor Statement, “The Clinton National Security Scandal and Cover Up”, June 23, 1999
The most dangerous time in our relatively brief 240 years as a free, independent nation is between today and January 20, 2017 as explained in the post just above this. Chapters 2-4 of Upside Down: How We Can Avoid Becoming the United States of China exposes three Big Lies that our government/media oligarchy want to make sure remain hidden in plain sight. The threat Donald Trump presents is simple—since he is NOT under the control of the RNC, the DNC, or our 24/7 Orwellian media, he just might tell the truth about Big Lie #1—Clinton “Chinagate” treason, Big Lie #2—Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, and Big Lie #3—the “Operation Northwoods”-style home grown abomination that occurred on 9/11/2001.
For decades, our self-serving media has been the willing servant of and partner to our government that has been operating not of, by, and for The People, but in spite of The People. Our media enables the freedom-killing “deal” whereby Democrats agree not to talk about the obvious lies surrounding 9/11 so Republicans don’t talk about “Chinagate”, which is a clear violation of 18 USC 794(a)—(reference breadth and depth of this freedom-threatening, self-serving government/media oligarchy is stunning, and the case can be made that this unholy marriage currently presents the greatest threat to a free, independent, formerly “United” States!
Let’s be clear—the YouTube video I hope you watched presents one-third of the disturbing, incredibly difficult truth that on 9/11/2001, all three World Trade Center Towers were brought down by controlled demolition. The two internet links I hope you have explored contain explicit details about how the Clintons(s)/Gore administration orchestrated and enabled The People’s Republic of China’s theft of our nuclear secrets. The need to escape the severe penalties allowed under 18 USC 794 (a) explains the desperation exhibited by the Clintons—and their enablers—to ensure these two can once again slither their way back under the unfortunate, unlawful, unconstitutional protection afforded the political elites who occupy The People’s White House.
This messy situation becomes national quicksand as a complicit media continuously suppresses the truth revealed in chapters 2, 3, and 4 of Upside Down, and that alone could mean most of our national media could be accused of violating yet another federal law under title 18 USC §3, aiding and abetting after the fact.
My plea to We the People of this flawed but great nation is that you must not remain in denial of the obvious because it is easier than having to deal with harsh realities. Unless and until the obvious but painful truth is exposed, We the People live in a nation where freedom is just an illusion. Unless and until the truth within Senator James Inhofe’s two Senate speeches given March 15 and June 23, 1999 becomes common knowledge among all citizens of our formerly “United” States of America, freedom is just an illusion.
Unless and until We the People understand the enormity of the impact of the three Big Lies exposed in chapters 2, 3, and 4 of Upside Down, all of us are in jeopardy of losing all of our rights and liberties our constitution clearly states come directly from our Creator, NOT from any person, group, or government.
God speed Donald Trump, God speed truth, and God bless what I hope and pray will once again be our United States of America.
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